
Monday, March 19, 2012

Sightseeing Pathway in The Works @ Shifou Mountain (石佛山), Hunan, China

Singaporeans are well known to be choosy when it comes to job application.

But in this particular case, you can pay me Singapore one million dollars to do just fifteen minutes of work and i would decline your offer right away without a nanosecond of consideration.

For any acrophobic, this is like the worst job ever!

The view may be breathtaking, the air might be crisp and fresh but there's no way i can walk on the wooden planks when a misstep would mean a few hundred meters down the mountain! Damn, just this thought is sufficient for me to feel a shiver down my spine.

The best thing? There's no bloody safety harness!!
At least not in the few pictures i have posted here.


Basic Information
This three feet wide (around a meter) wooden pathway, when finished, would be China's longest sightseeing path at 2.89 kilometers.


  1. Oh damn. this is horrible.
    Without any safety belts? just a helmet. :(

    Please visit my blog
    Just FYI, there’s an event for bloggers and the prizes are iPad2 and Cash. Find the info here. :)

  2. This is insane. I am not afraid of heights, but I would be if I had to do this.

  3. dimas : ya!!! this is beyond horror. lol. And thanks for notifying about the contest; damn helpful since i always use!

  4. flora: u can imagine how frightening it is for people like us who are scared of heights! haha.
