
Monday, March 05, 2012

Plan B - Clean Out The Room!

It's bloody time for an update on the resettlement process for my messy bedroom that has been delayed for way too long! The last post was almost nine months ago!

After the decision was made to reclaim my birthright territory, i threw away a lot of books to make space.

Great memories were kept in many of them - the polytechnic textbooks with my handwritten notes and underlined statements, the many notes photocopied from hardworking classmates like Jessica, Kimberly, Jane and Peiping, the comic books and novels that provided me with much laughter and comfort in times of stress and unhappiness.

The clutter was finally cleared and for the very first time since i moved to this 4-room flat in year 1986, i could literally hear echoes whenever someone spoke in the room!

Clearing the room is only for one purpose; repainting the yellowish walls.

Painting is a backbreaking chore and i swear never to attempt it again! I would rather pay someone to do it for me. Eventually (after 6 painful hours), i gave up and left a section untouched - it shall be blocked by the wardrobe anyway [typical man's thinking, i heard].

Now's IKEA time!

Delivery was required as my intention was to have a 2.5 meters long wardrobe! And there's no way i am going to assemble the 2.4 meters tall wardrobe myself.

Let's leave it to the professionals for a sum of S$50 for delivery and 0.6% of the total retail price (for the item or items you ask to assemble).

Don't assume it would be a speedy business for the guys to assemble the furniture. Mine took almost six hours, until 11pm at night! And i had to clean up the dusty room! Sighs...

To save costs, i visited IKEA (its humongous Tampines store with free parking) the following week to buy study / computer tables. Like most men, i do enjoy assembling products so long it does not take up too much time.

The last task on installing the curtain rod was thought to be the easiest.
It turned out to be another tiresome job resulting in shirts soaked with sweat!

Should have paid for a professional.
=_= but thanks to Johnny for helping!

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