
Monday, March 26, 2012

Peranakan Patisseries @ Chinta Manis - Greenwich Village Mall

With quite a few bloggers in the local blogosphere talking about this newly opened mall in the quiet Seletar estate, i thought it would be a good idea to pay it a visit yesterday.

Nothing much on the mall which is much smaller than what i expected and given my latest medical checkup results, i was not keen to try out the numerous restaurants located in the premise.

But i was open to the idea of having some bite sized snacks. 

And the mouthwatering display of kuehs in Chinta Manis proved to be too irresistible! *the lady on duty didn't look too friendly so i chose not to ask if pictures can be taken*

To satisfy the sudden craving and yet to keep my cholesterol in check, i requested for only four types of kueh. Since they were to be shared with Alex, i was actually having lesser than my usual.

North and East - Cavin.
South and West - Alex.

The mango sago agar agar (jelly in yellow) was a bit too sourish for me while the Penang lapis (the layered kueh) was amazingly good; milky with a subtle coconut fragrance and not as diabetically sweet as the version we commonly see in Singapore  

Ondeh ondeh is a must order in any Peranakan kueh stall/shop! Although i have no qualms on its freshness, the lack of that sudden burst of liquefied gula melaka in this ondeh ondeh was a serious letdown.

I probably enjoyed this pretty rainbow agar agar the most - the bouncy feel was just right without being too quivery and best of all, it tasted similar to what my mom used to make in the 1980s.

As some of my friends are aware, my mom is one damn good cook!


1, Seletar Road,
#01-19, Greenwich V

Penang Lapis - S$0.90
Mango Sago Agar Agar - S$0.90
Ondeh Ondeh - S$0.70
Rainbow Agar Agar - S$0.90

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