
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Glass Sky Walk @ Heavenly Gate Mountain (天门山), Zhanjiajie, Hunan, China

Whenever anyone asks me on my favourite tourist spot(s) during my trip to the birthplace of Mao Zedong, Hunan, two places come to mind.

The little yet charming centuries-old town known as Phoenix old town and Tian Men Shan (directly translated as Heavenly Gate, Sky's Door, Heaven's Door or Sky's Gate Mountain).

A major regret for the trip that took place in 2009 was that despite paying an exorbitant 500 RMB, i was at Heavenly Gate Mountain for merely half a day. Most of the time was spent within the main attraction; the big hole that gives the mountain its name and fame.

But i know, from internet sources, that there is more to the mystic mountain.

Its latest attraction is this walkway suspended precariously by the side of the cliff at a height of more than 4,700 feet (equivalent to over 1,400 meters)!

Okay, it's just a walkway by the side of a mountain and there are hundreds of such man-made paths all over the world!

There is one key difference; this one features a see-through floor!

For someone who has a phobia of heights, this is one challenge i might have to decline although the glass bottomed walkway spans only slightly more than 60 meters.

I am not afraid of trying (not even dying)! In fact, i am more afraid i would embarrass myself by crawling across the walkway like a robotic baby doll!


Thanks to Ms Sandra Chui for sending me the powerpoint slides!

For my travelogue on Tian Men Shan (天门山), click HERE

For my travelogue on Phoenix Old Town (凤凰古镇), click HERE

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