
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Acupuncture of the Wrist & The Truth to Its Inflammation

Many friends on facebook might have known i went for acupuncture by a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner a few weeks back. The pain on the wrist was slightly alleviated but recovery continued to be painfully slow.

I went back to the clinic last week for a review and made a casual remark to the Chinese sinseh that acupuncture seemed to relieve the pain.

The above was my deserving retribution for opening my big mouth; five bloody long needles on the wrist! Honestly, i wasn't exactly protesting as my main priority is to regain the full use of my left hand.

Drama serials would always emphasise that acupuncture doesn't hurt. It sure doesn't when the needles are inserted although you will experience an unbearable "soreness" whenever the sinseh starts to turn the needles deeper in order to meet the relevant acupoints.

That action, my dear readers, is torturing!!!!

This last episode has also finally revealed the truth for the continuously inflammed area around the wrist. Red bumps started appearing again these few days and i am 90% confident i am allergic to the....



  1. This is the first time that I’ve encountered somebody that is allergic to gauze! :) It’s almost a year since this post. How’s your wrist now? I hope you’re continuously undergoing acupuncture treatments and reaping its benefits. Also, I hope that by this time you’re not allergic to gauze anymore. :D

  2. Thank you for your concern Maragaret!

    I decided to go through an operation (the pain was a result of De Quervain's Tendinitis) and everything seems alright now.

    Nonetheless, i have to cut down on my mobile gaming in case the tendons get inflamed again!

    I think the wrist is still allergic to gauze. :( surprisingly, it is limited to only the left wrist.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hey there, i am also suffering from De Quervain's Tendinitis.

    Actually i am reading up before going to SGH for my second appointment later at 3pm. In the first appointment, i was given a steriod injection instead of the splinter (because of my wish to complete my ICT), which was effective up to 2 mths (or so).

    The pain whenever activated is quite excurciatingly painful, i hope to have it treated.

    I read that you when for an op after your TCM treatment. How effective was the TCM treatment before you considered operating?

    Hope the aliment is gone! Gd luck!

  4. Hey Norman!

    Honestly, i am not exactly the best patient when it comes to TCM treatment; i simply could not reduce my intake of cold drinks, fried chicken, unhealthy food etc.

    I continued TCM for almost two to three months before deciding that recovery was taking far too long and eventually opted for the surgery!

    To read more about my surgery, you may check out and

    You take care!

    p.s. my wrist is working fine now!

  5. Anonymous9:49 AM

    OMG! that's fantastic!

    SGH doc is having me go for the splint and pain killer route now. Review in a few weeks.

    i will definately read the op post :)

    Thanks! :)

    1. Wah! i was only given the option to go for surgery.... =_=

      okay lah, the specialist did say my condition was dragged for far too long (more than half a year) and surgery would be the best way out. :P

  6. Your decision to have acupuncture is one of the many first aid methods that can be helpful before undergoing an operation. I’m glad to read that your wrist is already okay. Do you still have acupuncture sessions until now? You see, undergoing surgery is stressful for me and I know that acupuncture can relieve me of that. Hehe! D’you feel the same way? :D

    - Major Marburger -

    1. I am afraid not... I had to proceed with surgery partly because the condition worsened and i could no longer bear not using a supposedly good hand for apparently very simple, everyday tasks.

      The surgery was quite smooth sailing and i am glad i have regained the strength for the wrist!

      To read more about my surgery, you may check out and

      Take care!


  7. Nice information! Acupuncture Wrist therapy is one method that provides a great deal of relief. Acupuncturists claim that their treatments do more than just relieve wrist pain but work instead to restore the body's balance and so work continuously to improve overall health.Thanks for sharing.....

    acupuncture in miramar
