
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Poor Wrist

It has been more than two weeks since i last blogged on the pain on my left wrist and sadly, the pain persists till today and i am actually in a worse situation than before.

In order to reduce the chances of aggravating the injury, i specially bought a wrist guard from a renowned brand; Ebene. The sales assistant even passed me a few packets of cream to relieve the pain upon learning my reason for purchase.

Nothing's wrong........
Until a few days later.

Initially, i felt a slight irritation at the area where i thinly spread the white cream.

A day later, fierce looking welts appeared and the itch was god damn unbearable!!!! Maybe it was psychological but i could almost feel the itch spreading to my face!

My colleague insisted i should see the doctor - which i did. Was diagnosed to have an allergic reaction towards the cream and two medications were dispensed: steroid cream and sleep-induced antihistamine pills.

Given that Western drugs are known to treat the 'signs', i was frankly hoping for a speedy recovery.

That didn't happen!!! My wrist looks bruised now and the itchiness (and redness) is relieved by a bottle of pure basilic essential oil, not medication!

Sighs.. a double whammy for my poor wrist. And i doubt it would even recover by the Dragon Year!

Damn, the relatives are going to ask if i have a fight with someone.

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