
Monday, December 12, 2011

Woodlands Waterfront [Enjoying The Wind at the Refurbished Jetty]

Part of the grand project by Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is to develop a stretch of abandoned area located directly opposite the Malaysian city of Johore Bahru.

I must admit URA did a really great job as i can barely recognise the wasteland (now known affectionally as Woodlands Waterfront) that used to have crumbling warehouses and large number of lorries parked along the road.

Judging from this map, i doubt i can cover the supposedly 1.5km long promenade with my pair of not-very-long legs! Actually i can but i am going to take a long time and knowing how time efficient i am, this is not something i would risk on the last rest day of the week.

Strategising is required in order to make full use of time and it didn't take me long to make a decision - forgo the big portion of greenery to the right of the map.

Beds of green grass with mostly young trees are just not very appealing.

Unless i am a kite fanatic, for which i am not as i would likely focus too much on getting the kite into the air and risk falling into a drain, knocking into another person or smashing right into a lamppost. Or tree trunk. Trust me, it has happened before.

In the past, you get a playground for kids. Now, the in thing is to get a playground that is suitable for all generations! Hence the name - multi generation playground.

It looked really fun with shrieks of laughter filling the air! As you might have guessed, this playground is a key attraction for boisterous kids and visitors looking for a quiet spot should avoid this place at all cost!

Located a short distance away from the noisy playground is the noticeably more quiet promenade track.

The setting would have been really soothing for the mind if not for the long line of protective metal fence. Can't URA use wooden fence that is more in sync with the environment?

Banner with a sombre message that illegal activities do exist in sanitised Singapore (and likely the reason for installing the metal fence).

Purpose of my trip is to revisit this refurbished jetty in the day time. My first visit was at night and the pictures turn out to be generally unusable without a tripod.

The jetty extends a considerable distance out into the Straits of Johore and provides a scenic view of Johore Bahru. Many may not even realise that the countries of Singapore and Malaysia are separated by such a thin strip of water.

There's a prominent signboard at the jetty's entrance that mentions the prohibition of using live baits. Guess this ah pek has no basic understanding of simple English.

Wind seems to like this jetty a lot and that explains why i like to stroll slowly along this jetty. For such a crowded country, it's really amazing how Singapore manages to put in place so many relaxation spots for the residents.

This was at a 90-degree bend towards the second portion of the jetty. The berth was surprisingly wide and i guess this is the only place where you get the feeling you are right in the middle of Singapore (to your right) and Malaysia (to your left).

Left - Capital City of the state of Johore, Malaysia.

Right - The iconic chimneys of the largest power station in Singapore; Senoko power station.

Lookout points are available although not in the scale and beauty of helix bridge beside Marina Bay Sands. Well, woodlands waterfront is not an area tourists will visit anyway.

Fishing is a favourite activity on this jetty! Once again, i reserve my comment on a pastime well beyond my understanding.

Picture taken from the far end of the jetty. The design of the lampposts reminded me of a structure on a ship! Could you guess what it is? Answer: ship masts!

Couple having their wedding shots taken.

Another stretch of narrow walkway towards the Causeway; this is located right beside the road and doesn't offer much beyond the walk.

The official starting point of woodlands waterfront. Since i drove, the only car park in close proximity is located right in the middle of the park.

At the far distance is an operational jetty known as Shell Jetty.

Before Second Link, the Causeway is the one and only route for you to drive to Malaysia and due to the cheaper toll charges; it remains popular even though jams lasting hours are often heard.

Question; what does the pipe transport?
Hint 1: Basic need of any human
Hint 2: Malaysia loves to use it to threaten Singapore

Woodands Checkpoint - doubt you need an elaboration on its purpose. :)


  1. wonderful Woodlands Waterfront.

    1. not too bad,especially during this time of the year when wind is especially strong! :)
