
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Adventures of Tintin Exhibition @ Singapore Philatelic Museum (新加坡集邮博物馆)

Merry Christmas!

Over the festive holidays from last Saturday till today, i have been eating so much; i managed to regain two kilograms! Damn the effort to keep my weight below 60kg.

But i did manage to partake in activities other than leisure eating. One of which, is a visit to Singapore Philatelic Museum (SPM) that focuses on stamps and Singapore's postal history.

No, i am not disillusioned.

In case you are wondering after reading the subject of this post, I am indeed going to touch on Tintin, which is one of the current exhibitions housed within SPM.

The exhibition filled up just one room although i would like to add that the museum did a marvellous job in including many details of the comic series.

I love reading Tintin and even now, i would occasionally pick up a copy to browse through whenever i am whiling my time away in the public library.

It would not be long before impulsiveness gradually takes over my mind to buy the whole series for personal collection.

Rough sketches of the comic are scattered in a glass table box and it was funny to see words i cannot recognise on the papers! I have always assumed that this is an English comic but its origin is in Belgium and the original works are in French.

Who is Tintin? In any fictitious publication, readers have always wondered what or who inspired the author to create the main character for the story. There are claims, as always.

Interesting trivia are given behind a moveable board shaped like Tintin's head. Snowy, Tintin's sidekick, is a white wire fox terrier, not a maltese!

"Know The Cast" is another informative section! Some of you might remember a Chinese guy who was featured a few times in the series. This man is in fact a personal friend of Hergé, the author.

The art of paper tole is also effectively portrayed by an ardent Tintin fan who painstakingly recreated the cover page of all twenty four adventures of Tintin.

Some of you might recognise this fan who has appeared on television a few times. For his work-in-progress video on these Tintin paper toles, please click HERE.

Now, what's the link between Tintin and stamps? Nothing's better to explain this than to have the full range of Tintin postage stamps as one of the exhibits.


23-B Coleman Street

Admission Charges
S$5 for adults. Please visit the website for further information as there are certain days in a year that admission is free!

Till May 2012

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