
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Pictures with Costumed Mascots and Celebrity Lookalikes @ Universal Studios Singapore (USS)

I belong to a group of weirdos who enjoy taking pictures yet when other people volunteer to take pictures for us, we would try our best to decline their kind gesture.

This vaguely explains the lack of pictures with any famous personas (whether dead, alive, imaginary or CGI) during my first official trip to a 'real' theme park.

Like the above and the one before this, i took more photographs of other people than myself.

These mascots and lookalike celebrities are located prominently in the individual zones; you will find Marilyn Monroe at Hollywood, the pharaohs at Egypt etc.

Puss in Boots is in Far Far Away of course! Don't you love this big eyed kitty?! I was actually quite keen to take a picture WITH him but he ran away. =(

Fast forward to six months later and my attitude to let people take my pictures has drastically changed. It is the company no doubt and we all know what a cam whore Alex is.

Never have i been so game!

Such moments are actually very memorable and attest to the fact that i am indeed there! Kaoz, i didn't even roll my eyes when i had to wait to take a snap with the cast of Waterworld.

Before this, i am likely to be one of the hundreds of spectators watching the Madagascar show and rapidly sped to another spot instead of being stuck in that freaking snaking queue.

Gloria had an infatuation with Alex! She was holding tightly to his hand and dragging him to the main stage! See that gleeful braces smile on Alex's face!

This chunky hippo remembered Alex after the show and even gave her a big hippo hug after we took this picture. That's very nice of her although i wonder if it is a male hiding in disguise. Haha.

Another shot taken from Vannie's polaroid camera.

Kungfu penguins are popular Madagascar characters and they are ultra cute to the max! Since there is no dronkeys, these penguins mafia shall take the top spot of my 'adorable' list in USS.

Po, the martial arts prodigy, is undeniably the most celebrated character in Universal Studios Singapore. And it was only at the end of my visit that we finally caught sight of him!

Main purpose: to take a picture of the Great Panda Kon besides the Great Panda Po.


Additional Information
These characters are only available for a short period at any one appearance and given how tiring (and hot) to be stuck in those costumes and/or heavy make-up, do cut them some slack and be considerate if their 'nannies' stop accepting any more request for photo-taking.

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