
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Angry Birds Seasons (Christmas Episode 2010) - Finally Total Destruction!

Usually, i don't spend more than three months to attain total destruction (which means a maximum of 3 stars for each level) for any one episode of Angry Birds; be it the original angry birds, angry birds seasons or angry birds rio.

Except for Christmas 2010 (culprits: levels 1-17 and 1-20)!

It's like a big red cross stuck onto my forehead; reminding me continuously of my failure... Numerous attempts to break this debacle have been thwarted for the past 10 months.... until this evening.

On the train if i may add.

Imagine the happiness that literally exploded when i saw this glowing present appearing on my iPhone!

The satisfying seven words; Total Destruction - Three Stars in All Levels.

Now to open up the big present to see what lies within.

Befitting the Christmas theme, this level is filled with many festive presents!

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