
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Jovyn's Full Month Celebration

For Chinese, celebrating a newborn first month of birth is a joyous occasion filled with loads of ang pows, presents and well wishes from relatives and friends.

Here are some overdue pictures (once picture) taken during Jovyn's full month birthday!

01 - the symbolic red eggs and ang ku kueh to signify longevity and luck

02 - catered buffet! This is so much easier than cooking everything ourselves and having to clean up the huge mess afterwards!

03 - Joyce's colleagues.

04 - Another addition to the original group.

05 - Out of Joyce's DBS colleagues, i know Karen jiejie best!

06 - I know the boy at the far left since he was a baby! Oh my god, it has been twelve years?! Work hard for your studies, buddy!

07 - Joyce's secondary schoolmate; Fiona and her hubby!

08 - Another picture with Joyce

09 - Mom and Yan Cui auntie! She lives right opposite my block and i suspect she can see any ongoing in my living room! I walked around naked sometimes when i am alone!

10 - Joyce disturbing her friends while they were having lunch.

In case you are wondering why there are not many pictures of Jovyn, that's because i recently published a post with loads of her cute pictures. Click HERE to check it out.

Anyway, I would love to take more pictures but i was away for quite a big portion of the time! I didn't even take any picture of my relatives!

Never mind, let's wait for baby number three.

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