
Friday, September 30, 2011

Childhood Memory - The Tribal Dance

While rummaging the family albums for pictures of my elder sister when she was a toddler, i chanced upon quite a number of photographs taken when i was in kindergarten.

That's over twenty years ago; not that i need the reminder!!! I was then very much a quiet child; a vast difference from the chatterbox i am renowned to be.

Using photo film is expensive and unlike the convenience of digital camera, you could not snap ANYTHING you want and then delete those unflattering, blurred pictures before you print them out. Hence, dad will only take out his precious camera during special occasions.

In this case, it was used to capture the lasting memory of my very first public performance! At a basketball court if i may add.

Frankly, my memory is pretty fuzzy on this performance. I could not recall anything on the training and rehearsals although i do remember it was a kind of tribal dance from Taiwan.

No prize for guessing which one is me; definitely not the ones in red! As reward for our contribution, the attire was eventually given to us as a keepsake.

Surprisingly, it's still in my possession! Maybe i should frame it up properly, together with tubes of my blood and collection of booger.

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