
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Green Bean Soup (绿豆汤) for the Hot Hot Weather!

The weather has been so unbearably warm in recent months that i find it insane not to switch on the air conditioning every night! Sorry eco lovers but my body has accumulated a thick layer of fats that seems to trap all the heat without any mercy.

Thankfully, mommies always have ready remedy for such unfortunate ailment; green bean soup.

Served either hot from the pot or cold from the fridge, green bean (also known as green mung bean) soup is well know within the Chinese population to have a cooling effect on the body and is a very popular liquid dessert in the hot summer.

What's best is the addition of honey-sweet potatoes! For someone who drinks green bean soup with minimal green beans (i know that's funny but i find the beans to have a detestable bitterness to them), this is a great bonus!

If you thought this huge pot of green bean soup can feed at least 10 persons, you are so, so wrong. My younger sister easily cleaned up more than half the pot even though it was especially brewed for me!!

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