
Monday, July 04, 2011

Angry Birds Cupcakes Decoration Class @ Cookyn Inc

Thanks to Mrs Diane Lai, i was given a rare opportunity to participate in this cupcake decoration class organised by Cookyn with Mervyn!

Rare simply because i don't know how to bake, i don't have the necessary equipment and i don't have the bright, uncluttered kitchen space at home. The above factors mean i would not likely attend such a cooking course.

Unless it's free. :)

I enjoy playing the game Angry Birds on my iPhone; pretty obvious judging from the numerous blog postings on this super popular mobile game!

This obsession fully explains the reason why i am still keen to accept Diane's offer since this session concentrates on the "how" to create cupcakeS with the angry birds theme!

Images of Angry Birds characters were printed on a piece of paper for our reference in the cupcakes decoration. I thought i know the characters well; i am wrong. Dead wrong. This paper was therefore, very helpful to the trainees!

First thing; make the edible glue! Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with icing powder. Stir vigourously until the consistency turns very thick.

Put it into the frosting bag and you have your glue ready. I find this amazing as i never knew there's such stuff available for food.

The fondant (main ingredient in decoration aka the dough) was fortunately prepared in advance by the trainer. According to her, her virgin try can only be described as frustrating! Definitely not recommended for impatient humans.

Parchment paper with corn flour and icing powder on it to be used with the fondant. Too sticky? Dap a bit of corn flour. Too soft? Use icing powder! Too hard? There's a bowl of water at the side (please don't use too much)!

Bright colours are the elements for most of the characters in angry bird and the trainer started with the main star of the game; the red angry bird!

I had to add in streaks after streaks of red colouring (toothpicks are so handy) and constant kneading before it was finally the "right" colour and "correct" look (it should look matt, not shiny).

Be careful - the colourings stain your palms and fingers! And i had to wash my hands everytime i needed a new colour (this is to prevent smudging).

It is seriously no easy job!

The different coloured balls on my table - looked like plasticine! Eventually, the participants shared what they made since it's really a lot of time and effort to make the various colours.

Using a rolling pin to first flatten the fondant, followed by cutting using the round metal cutter and you will finally get a red, round base to paste on the already-cooked cupcakes. Before putting it on, remember to squeeze the glue to fasten them together.

It's not difficult to make an angry bird! It may not look 100% like the ones in the game but there is usually some similarities.

This is my work! Cute?? The white body ratio is a bit too high although i thought the "fat" look is quite adorable. Change the parchment frequently unless you do not mind seeing speckles of other colours in the fondant you are working on.

My green, evil king pig beside the red bird! After the first try, the second attempt was comparatively much easier. It was still challenging as dexterity has never been one of my strong factors.

Our originally clean, tidy workstation was looking like a disaster zone! Flour was at times flying all around and the annoyance of not getting the details right can get on our nerves!

My ultimate creation. It took me a total of over three hours to decorate four cupcakes! Weirdly, i do feel a sense of achievement that makes these really worth the time and effort.

Six cupcakes were prepared for each participant (i could not manage another two) and i was sharing this aluminum plate with my cousin. Her angry birds' characters were so lovable!

Despite the cuteness, cupcakes are eventually meant to be eaten.

The pig sister chose her nemesis (the red bird) and cruelly bit off the head to pay back what the birds have done to her compatriots.

Alex, on the other hand, was less sympathetic and hungrily devoured the green swine!


Cookyn Inc, Garden Hub,
60,Jalan Penjara, Magaret Drive

Additional Information
Joking aside, i am now considering if i should take up more cooking courses. Maybe not on baking but something more familiar - like bbq!

The website for Cookyn Inc is

Once again, thanks Diane!!!

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