
Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Walk Along Old Mandai Road

A Saturday with no plans and not even a slight craving for food and sleep means that it's going to be very boring for me! Unfortunately, the hyper-active Cavin can never sit still and therefore hatched a plan to go for a walk alone.

Remember this place? The infamous tower as mentioned here. A walk means i have to start from somewhere. And starting the walk from my house was just too inconvenient; i would likely veer to Northpoint for comfort food!

As a result of that likely concern, i drove to this illegal car park right outside Upper Seletar Reservoir Park to start my walk. To put it in more correctly, it's actually alongside the legal fishing ground.

A bus stop, hosting bus no 183, is located at this popular fishing area and it's quite popular with anglers and loving couples. From my understanding, the percentage for the latter greatly increases as the night progresses!

The start of the visually-very-long walk.

Tree branches that almost touched the water! The blooming yellow flowers made it even more mesmerizing. A pity there wasn't any monkey attempting to catch fish by using the branches as support.

Fish hook stuck to the tree! I would not have noticed this if not for the sunlight that kept bouncing off the silvery surface.

Signboard signalling the close proximity of the very peaceful columbarium! I am still contemplating if i should pay this modern complex an official visit for a pictorial post in the future.

Super like this picture i took for this road; my starting point was right in front! In the past, the trees lining the road provided a thick, natural canopy with occasional streams of sunlight shining through. It was a really beautiful sight then. Sighz.

It's a different story at night though; eerie and creepy with an underlying suspicion that something evil will bolt out and block your way!

Hidden pathway that leads to the unknown only makes me more uncomfortable! Would have loved to venture further but safety comes first!

While i was sweating like nobody's business, the corner of my eye caught sight of something on top of a bare tree! A natural bed made of twigs!

Closer picture for the benefit of all of you!

Taking advantage of my rarely used 55-200mm lens, i present to you a better picture! I am not sure what bird resides in this nest although i remember eagles usually love high places. Hm... it does seem like a home under construction. Let's give it a few more months before i make an update here.

Bus stop outside the columbarium. It may look empty at this time but once the Qing Ming festival arrives, this small road is swamped with humans!

Fallen trees, broken branches, bare land; the disastrous result of a freak wind during the Chinese New Year period in February. I shall elaborate in a future post.

Ending my post with this funny signpost. Can't the National Parks provide something more substantial than "take care"?! Hahahha


Kindly note that this is not the end of my walk! I am not that weak okay!!! However, this section showcases the portion of the original two-ways, one-lane Mandai Road.

As i mentioned in the second last picture, another post is in the works!


  1. i am curious...your 2nd picture...what is the view from there?

    1. that's the view that looks out to the rocket tower. :)
