
Monday, April 04, 2011

Ugliest Car in Singapore?

I don't know about you people but Singaporeans are generally very conservative (and some said practical) when it comes to colour design of their motor vehicles.

The choice of color could be white for that angelic factor, black for that cool suaveness, red for wealth and prosperity or even gold so that you don't have to wash it that often!

Hence, imagine my shock when i turned into the carpark for some ice cream at The Daily Scoops!

Why would anyone choose this army camouflage design?! It might look manly as a uniform but to expand the dimension and put it on a car is downright horrid! Conclusion - must be someone who loves the army.

The best thing? It's a bloody new Skoda; license number starts with SKA lor!


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Dude, thanks for posting the pics of my car.

    But would you mind to remove the number?

  2. opps! okay, i have removed the numbers! :)
