
Monday, April 11, 2011

Ouam's Ice Cream + Quality Low Fat Milk = Once Upon a Milk Shake!

DISLIKE milk shake!

When everyone was holding a cup of milk shake from MacDonalds back in my secondary school days, i was under peer pressure to buy a cup.

Verdict: Super milky that was too filling for the tummy! I cannot fathom why my friends have such a sticky yet long term relationship with it! And because of that unfortunate episode, i did not attempt to have milk shakes again until that damn sinful one at Rider's Cafe!

Now, my choices for quality and delicious milk shakes have slightly expanded due to this new kid on the block; Once Upon a Milk Shake.

A fairy-tale like beginning (think: Once Upon a Time), Once Upon a Milk Shake has resulted in quite a number of blogs talking about it in very positive reviews.

Maybe it's the result of the rainy weather; i especially enjoyed my chill out time at the outlet in Maxwell Chamber.

Or maybe it's the lack of customers that made it look like its some quaint little cafe hidden in a small corner.

Perhaps it's the decor which was simple yet soothing for the mind. Well, i guess it's a combination of all the above factors.

A nice cup of chamomile tea would be perfect for the weather but that would defeat the purpose of going there in the first place!

Therefore, have your pick from the list of uniquely titled milk shakes! Don't you love the cute avatars for each and every one of them?

Alcoholics might enjoy their liquor milkshakes that are limited only for a period of time! For all we know, they might introduce smelly seafood flavour the next round (like in Japan).

The Gang of Four had Agent Strawberry (Pink), Litchi Otokonoko (White) and Pirate Queen Peach (Yellow). For your information, Litchi Otokonoko is lychee!

My weak stomach could not really digest much milk and i took little sips for the sake of telling people i had tried the legendary Once Upon a Milk Shake.

All three were marvelous (especially the peachy one); compactfully thick, rich of natural flavour (not sugar for those who thought otherwise) and totally agreeable with my taste buds! And stomach of course.

When i wrote thick, i meant thick! The milk shake was in such a solid state; you can turn it upside down (be warned: not more than 5 seconds)! The texture was almost as rich as high quality ice cream!


32, Maxwell Road,
#01-08, Maxwell Chambers
(Formerly known as White House)

You may find the address and opening hours for its outlets at OUB Centre and *SCAPE from the picture above.

Two sizes are available for milkshakes; Mini and Regular.

Mini - S$3.60
Regular - S$5.70

Additional Information
Deliveries for nearby buildings after 3pm with minimum purchase! NUS is not that near. Sad.

Frankly, i find the prices in Once Upon a Milk Shake to be quite premium when i consider the size of each cup. Granted that good things come in small packages, it's still a surprise that they dare to mention that it's non premium pricing! Having a rewards card will surely help to reduce the expense!

In case you are wondering what Ouam is, it stands for Once Upon A Milkshake! And stupid me has been diligently typing out the full form!



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