
Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Lost World Zone (Waterworld) @ Universal Studios Singapore (USS)

I am a person who prefers unconventional (yet legal) methods to solve problems.

And the first time i entered "The Lost World", it was not via the main route from Ancient Egypt but through the discovery food court! Purely unintentional though.

Since it's the land of the dinosaurs, you should not be surprised to find the whole zone filled with replicas of the ancient reptiles! One of the most recognisable trademarks for this era is no doubt the T.Rex (Tyrannosaurus Rex).

This water feature is getting to be too common in Singapore! Well, so long the kids enjoy it, who cares! And i do envy them as it is very embarrassing for an adult like myself to play like them in the hot weather.

Pterosaurs wind compass. Not sure if it works because wind was non-existent on the day i went USS! Singapore should have a weather that maintains at 15 degrees celcius throughout the year!

The afternoon sunlight was so unforgiving; most visitors were hiding in the shade!

Finally, i am going into the attractions for the sector. This is part of the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure.

An exciting river raft ride that is guaranteed to get you wet! Look at the huge splash it generated in this picture! The heat was making me super unwilling to queue for an extended period of time and therefore, i could not comment further on the primeval dinosaur exhibits you are supposed to view along the river.

Judging from this picture, you can roughly gauge how much my mom would love to be young again! The fact that i egged her to pose for my camera is totally negligible.

Canopy Flyer should be a great way for me to get some breeze and the family eagerly picked up the pace to the entrance.

Fifffffffffty five minutes?!?!??! No way!!!

Once again, the family entertained itself with the dino models. The teeth for this T-rex are made of rubber like material. Super safe for kids!

Dino-Soarin' is a ride so common in many theme parks (big and small) that it would not attract the interest of thrill lovers like myself! Plus, i tend to get giddy in this go round and round and round ride.

Waterworld has no relation to Jurassic Park (except both were lost worlds) and i wonder why it is not listed as a separate zone! In terms of marketing, the impression given was that it is a standalone attraction!

By the way, Waterworld is a popular "live" show with a long queue! Don't freak out when the service members prevent you from joining the main queue! Another queue will be created for entry via the side entrance. I was basically laughing at those kiasu visitors who insisted on going to the main queue! Wahahaha.

For those who are unaware, the set does look like a sea animal theme show.

See those coloured seats? Right in front is the blue zone, followed by the green zone. Never ever put your butt down the blue seats (known as soaked zone)! The green benches are not very safe either if you are in the center row. Let me explain in the next few pictures.

The actors (aka the bad boys in the show) were merciless in using water guns to attack the audience!!! Look at those poor audience who had to protect themselves using their brollies!

Imagine the shock on my face when pails of water were used instead. Quite a few visitors were soaked to the skin and there seemed to be no rules and regulations in this self-contained area!

After the cold torture, the audience gamely did what the actor wanted them to do. The penalty for not following basic instructions? More water on your body! *note: the actors seemed to have a strong dislike for soccer jerseys*

The show started soon after. I have never watched "Waterworld" and only remember that it was a box office bomb. Nonetheless, it was entertaining though the plot was pretty predictable.

Water was heavily used and we have no doubt on that even before the start of the show!

Some scenes featured dangerous stunts like falling from the crane. It's one thing to do it once in a long while but to do it three times a day (12.30pm, 2.30pm and 5.30pm) is damn agonising!

Loud pyrotechnics never fail to add to the "wow" factor.

It's the smoke that got onto our nerves. Singapore has enough of the haze from Indonesia and we don't need another bloody "real life example"! Overall, i do enjoy the show!

The centre seats are indeed better. I shall bring along a clean set of clothes and maybe a waterproof camera the next time i watch "Waterworld".

Take a picture with the cast before leaving for Far Far Away!


For my 1st post (Hollywood Zone), please click HERE.
For my 2nd post (New York Zone), please click HERE.
For my 3rd post (Sci-Fi City Zone), please click HERE.
For my 4th post (Ancient Egypt Zone), please click HERE.


  1. 'Isham11:44 AM

    wow, it's great to see a visitor covering a commentary on Waterworld and the Lost World. I worked there for close to two years, and I got to say you did a pretty good job observing all the small details. I got to agree with the Waterworld side entrance thing, all of us crews totally hate those kiasu guests who keep insisting on the shorter entrance route, all times trying to fake an injury or insisting that their family members are seated near the main entrance.
    Anyway, just an additional info which may be useful to you. All the service members (crew), like me, alternate between Dino-soaring, Amber Rock and Waterworld randomly on different days. And so I'm pretty impressed by your thoughts on Amber Rock, glad you took up the challenge and was crazy and willing enough to try. After all, it's all for the sake of having fun and attaining a little sense of satisfaction and achievement in conquering that rock wall. (:

    Reading your blog make me really miss my time working at DAW (Dino-soaring, Amber Rock Climb, Waterworld).


  2. Thanks for visiting Isham!

    That's an interesting point you make; i always assume service members will stay permanently at one place.

    And i didn't conquer the wall! :( The last part was too much of a torture for my old body! lol.
