
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fried Banana @ Boon Pisang Goreng (Long House)

There are two versions of fried bananas in Singapore; the Malay version and the Chinese version. Though the Malay style is frequently sold as part of the side offerings in Nasi Padang stalls, the Chinese style is normally available as the main offering in the stall.

It's also quite easy to taste the difference largely due to the type of flour and the species of bananas used in frying. If given a choice (with more cash in my pocket), i would always choose the Chinese version!

Not racist or anything hor; i would have given my taste vote to Malay Nasi Padang instead of Chinese Zhai Chai Fan.

Located in a non air-conditioned food court along Upper Thomson Road is a stall that sells Chinese Fried Bananas. With so much good food within walking distance, you wouldn't see me in this food centre unless i need something small like fried bananas to fill up the stomach.

Or there's a sinful craving for goreng pisang!

Craving was the main reason one fine afternoon - I was merely driving past the food centre and had to negotiate a U-Turn after seeing the bunches of bananas that were beckoning to me! Cavin has incredibly low resistance to any edible yearnings...


As you can see above, the banana fritter had a crispy crust that will, as a rule, last a few hours.

The bad thing for health fanatics is that they are super oily. It's common to see the paper bags containing the fried bananas soaked in oil.

Very ripe bananas are used for the Chinese version and that means a more gooey pulp filled with absolute richness! The crust plays a very important part as well; it has to be crunchy to complement the softness within and yet be able to retain a certain level of air for that puffiness!


183, Upper Thomson Road,
Thomson Long House Food Centre

Look above! Prices are subject to change, as with everything in life.

Additional Information
Boon Pisang Goreng doesn't sell any meat and is labelled as a vegetarian stall.

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