
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Baking Cookies @ Bake & Go - Tools of The Trade (ToTT)

People who know me for a period of time will learn that i may be a person who eats all over Singapore but given a knife, a chopping board, a frying pan and a pot, i am hopeless in effectively utilising them to whip up a good meal.

Hence, i was a bit apprehensive when Korny suggested we popped over to Bake & Go for cookies baking. Truth is: i am afraid i will either burn the cookies or destroy the kitchen - or BOTH!

Thankfully, it's not easy to even go near to either of the scenario! The kitchen set up is fuss free, mess free and you are in good hands with two friendly staff who will help you in times of needs and difficulties!

First Step
Preparing the Dough

Come in cans with flavours ranging from vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, the cookie dough was already pre-packed and ready for use immediately without involving the flying flour, splashing water and sticky eggs!

This is exactly what you get! In addition to the dough, each can comes with either a pack of chocolate chips or peanut bits!

And it's playdoh time! Using your creativity, do whatever you want to the dough.

The one above was inspired by a piece of rough shit mixed with peanut bits - definitely constipated.

Each of us chose a flavour so that we can mix and match with three different colors! I tried to shape a molar tooth for the above with red dough as the pulp.

Second Step
Baking in Progress

Before baking commences, a final touch is inevitable!

Vanessa's fiery, vibrant artwork that looked the best!

Kon's random yet tidy art pieces that included mini piles of black poo (guys will think of practical stuff in life and shitting is indeed a natural occurrence for mankind).

My ugly, nonsensical designs gave the visual impression that a kid, no more than 4 years old, made them!!!!

No more change once the doors are closed and the knobs are turned! Being my virgin bake, I was desperately curious to see how my cookies will turn out to be!

Third Step
Time to Eat

Ta dah~!!! The heat will cause the dough to expand and that's the reason why two-inch spacing is necessary to prevent the art pieces from merging with one another!

Kon's version had the most delicious and colourful display!

Mine was just pathetic.... =_=

Never one to depend solely on visual appeal, the least i can say was that the biscuits tasted very good - maybe a bit soft but definitely something i would love to munch while watching TV!


The baking experience was fun and the time spent was so satisfying (taking up roughly 45 minutes to an hour; it's the designing that took up a lot of time)!

Nothing beats eating the cookies you mould with your own hands - no matter how fugly they eventually turned out to be!

896 Dunearn Road, #01-01A,
Sime Darby Building
Singapore 589472

(near to the Macdonalds at King Albert Park)

Cannot remember but it should be around S$12.00 to S$13.00 per can.

Additional Information
Bake & Go is located within Tools of the Trade (ToTT); a heavenly realm (36,000 square feet) for people who enjoy buying loads of kitchen accessories and that includes unique items like the expert looking chef's hat!

If you love to learn cooking or just wish to expand your culinary skills, ToTT does offer cooking classes and has fully equipped cooking kitchens to accommodate those lessons!

There's even a cafe! Gosh, this almost feels like a mini-IKEA!


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Great photos! Thanks for posting.
    Nice article, thanks for the information.

    Bakery Equipment

  2. thank you! do let me know if you find any interesting yet inexpensive cooking class. :P
