
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Touristy Junk Cruise in Singapore

Back in November 2010, the administrative team of my department organised a dinner cruise for a rare get-together session after work!

It was really fun to partake in a touristy activity and seriously, as a citizen, we often take things for granted without realising there are many things often miss out in our daily lives.

Without further ado, let's now continue the pictorial trail of this novel trip.

Embarking the junk from Marina South pier, i expected it to be the classic type with sails shown on many pictures of the Hong Kong harbour. It may look small but the space is sufficient for 150 passengers!

The more popular Cheng Ho ship; it looks way more grand with an imperial air around it. In addition, it has an air-conditioned area! However, there's no way we can exclusively use this vessel for our event.

Facing the cooling sea breeze, we took in the Singapore's skyline as the junk slowly made its way to Saint John Island where it will anchor for roughly an hour for us to have dinner.

Of course, nothing beats a beautiful setting sun while on a cruise. The admin team was really anxious that it will turn out to be a rainy day as it had been raining for the past few days!

Silhouette of a colleague against the setting sun. I love this picture!

Our buffet dinner on the ship! It was sufficient to fill our stomachs without any fanciful item that was particularly outstanding.

Second level where the captain controls the ship.

Everyone was really famished by this time! Time should not be wasted though and many of them could be seen interacting with one another while eating! Precisely the reason for organising this!

One highlight of this trip was the stopover at Sentosa to watch the Songs of the Seas show!

Okay, it wasn't very comfortable as the boat was rocking and we actually watched the show from its back without really knowing what it was all about.

Visually, there was a lot of fire, lights and water!

The show ended with the beloved fireworks that always fascinate people.

It was definitely a wise move by the Sentosa management to demolish the ageing Musical Fountains and come up with this pyrotechnics show.

Some of us were already showing signs of motion sickness by the time the show ended and i was grateful that the engine was restarted to continue our cruise back to the pier.


Skills wise, i am a noob. Hardware wise, Nikon D5000 isn't exactly the top of the range. Conditions wise, the boat was shaking!!! 

These three factors explained why i did not manage to take any pictures of the Singapore's skyline at night.

Except this last one when we reached the pier.

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