
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dental Review @ The Dental Practice

Dental Review
@ The Dental Practice

After more than two years since my last visit, i am finally back to my ex-colleague's dental clinic for a supposedly half a year routine dental checkup!

It's not a good sign when i realised that my gums are bleeding more often and a sore sensation was frequently felt in between my teeth...... Awwww, ageing is really cruel!!

According to Dr Edwin Oh, my teeth are (thankfully) doing well and the few fillings i have are still intact. Yooohooo!! Some periodontitis (gum disease) though.... which was easily rectified with a simple scaling procedure!

Of course, Dr Oh can only see so much with his naked eyes! A bitewing x-ray was necessary to check if there's any decay in-between the posterior teeth.

If you are wondering why i seem to know the dental terms pretty well, it's because i served my national service in a military dental clinic (Dr Oh was one of the resident dentists)!

Cool right?!?! Hahahaha


Interested to let Dr Edwin Oh Chih Min analyse your oral hygiene?

The Dental Practice is located at Block 746, Bedok Reservoir Road, #01-3007. Please call 62425626 for an appointment! 

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