
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Singapore Zoo (Pictorial)

It's no secret i love animals and that's precisely the reason why the Singapore Zoo is one of the local attractions i visit frequently!

Guess the marketing campaigns have succeeded tremendously when i faced a bigger crowd this time. Shucks, should have gone on a weekday!

Cute Otters!!! It's adorable, playful creatures like these that i would really consider working in the zoo!

Loads of greenery in the zoo. It will be damn enjoyable if the weather in Singapore can be as comforting (and cooling) as Cameron Highlands!

Wondering how come i am so near to these majestic giraffes? Not because of camera zoom! All thanks to the heightened platform built for a more interactive visitor experience!
I saw so many different types of primates; i lost count eventually (plus the memory is no longer as good as before). The above picture only shows a few of them.    

Animals show is a must and the Singapore Zoo has four different shows that will take a few hours to complete! So do take a whole day to explore the zoo! Above is the "Rainforest Fights Back" show.

A steamy yet unsuccessful mating session! And a whole lot of excited onlookers like us! Hahaha.  

Loving the morbid signposts with decapitated animal heads!

The infamous white tigers in their usual spot. Every time i am there, most of them will be lying on that specific rock!
A tree known as kapok towers the zoo and it's puzzling why i did not notice this before. Maybe the tree has gone through a growth spurt recently! Interestingly, Ancient Mayans believe that the souls of the dead will climb the kapok trees to reach heaven and the Malays believe that spirits reside in these trees!  

Feeding the manatees (for a fee of course)!! There's a baby amongst the five snouts!

Spot the toddler?

Another baby in the zoo; the clumsy yet irresistible cute sun bear! 

Entertaining 'Splash Safari' show! And I finally know the difference (yes, at 30 years old) between a sea lion and a fur seal.

Sea lion, as the name implies, is way bigger!!! 

This is considerate though not exactly helpful on that hot, sunny, humid day!

Nemesis of my life; yucky snakes!! I may be scared but i have ever considered keeping a pet snake to challenge myself.

Cheetah? Leopard? Or Jaguar? At least there's one thing i am certain; it's confirmed male!

Kawaii rodent!! Until my eyes caught the viciously long and sharp nails....

Singapore zoo is not just a wildlife park! Children will take pleasure in knowing more stuff at the tropical crops plantation! A beautiful orchid garden is also located next door!

An educational show titled "Elephants at Work & Play"! As we were late, all seats had already been taken! Sore thighs after that!

Ironically, the zoo has visitors from the natural world as well. Dozens of fruit bats were found at the ceiling of one exhibition house.

Freshwater stingrays in the compound of Fragile Forest!

"Garden with a View" was indeed scenic! Again, it will be even better given a cooler environment.

Saw that giant river terrapin underneath that croc?! They looked like good buddies! The terrapin is known as the royal turtle in Cambodia as it can only be eaten by the royalty!

Though animals are its main focus, species of birds can still be found in the zoo. For more variety, do visit the Jurong Bird Park, corporate relative of the Singapore Zoo.


For more information (ticket price, exact location etc) on the Singapore Zoo, please click HERE.

What i have posted is unfortunately only a small proportion of the animals in the zoo. Visit the zoo for the real and ultimate experience!

Let me share with you an interesting old Cree Indian Saying =>

Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only after the last fish has been caught
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten

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