
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Russian Food? @ Borshch Steakhouse (勃资西餐)

The question mark is there for a purpose. 

For a person who identifies most ang moh food as western food, i have absolutely no idea how Russian food should even taste like; hence, no way of comparing!  

My second time since the unimpressive virgin visit five years ago, the Gang of Four was supposed to dine at Chomp Chomp but it was so bloody filled with people who took pleasure in taking a long time to have their meals!!!

Borsch was decided for three main reasons; one, with the exception of me, no one has tried it yet. Two, the set dinner was a steal at only S$14.80 for a weekend dinner with appetiser, soup, main, dessert and drink! Three, Kon wanted to try the Shashlik of Lamb!

Now, let's have the pictures (two set meals) narrate the story!

Caviar with Egg
I really don't know how to appreciate caviar, despite the luxury tag! It was quite a petite appetiser and we were not complaining since this was our second meal for the day!

Shrimp Cocktail
Normal salad; i have tasted fresher prawns.

Fresh Mushroom Soup
With too few actual mushrooms for that marvelous fungi sensation, this is considered a fail dish.

Borsch Soup
Savoury without being extraordinary; i thought this was comparable to the ones i had in Kim Gary!

Grilled Fish
With a soft batter surrounding that thick chunk of fresh fish, this was surprisingly good!

The meat was fresh and juicy with a really good bite to it!  

Shashlik of Lamb
For the man-eaters, don't you love the look of this male anatomy (penis) lookalike!?!  

The overpowering garlic taste was initially a big turn off to an otherwise very tender and succulent piece of lamb! 

However, as you took your time to slightly chew and let the meat essence fused with the pungent garlic, the final result was really unique... and tasty!

Peach Melba
Normal full stop.

Fancy Pancake
Nothing fanciful visually but taste wise, this was a very light plain dessert with very light seasoning as if to tell us that in life, simplicity is still a must amidst the richness.


The price is really a big draw if i need slightly different Western cuisine! Problem is; it's located in Serangoon Gardens, the place with loads of nice nice makan!!!

58, Serangoon Gardens Way

S$14.80 per set dinner! And i cannot remember whether GST or Service Charge is added!! I think i lost the receipt!

Additional Information
To reach Serangoon Gardens, please drive, hail a cab or take a bus! Jolly well walk or cycle if you want.

The decor for Borshch can most likely be described as weird; a mix of jack's place in the old days and Chinese restaurants back in the 70s.

Local dishes are available, opening more options for senior citizens (like my parents) who are generally not keen with Western cuisine. 

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