
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Vegetarian Food Fiesta 2010 @ Ren Ci Hospital

Thanks to Ms Chui, who kindly passed me S$30 worth of coupons for my spending pleasure in the above mentioned annual event with no strings attached!!!

Maybe it's because of all the help i have patiently dispensed to her since she joined the company! Hahaha (not really funny).

In spite of the rain, turnout was pretty good with so many people!!

There were also many vegetarian food stalls, well-loved by my Buddhist mummy!!!!

Without having any lunch at close to almost 2pm, my starved stomach was craving for much needed energy food!

Yes, mee siam!!!

I am usually very picky with mee siam as i prefer mine to be sweet yet a bit (pinkie finger) spicy. This one made the cut although it can do better with a bit more chilli.

The sour plum drink was damn refreshing and helpful for a sore throat that has been lingering for too long in my physical self!

Unfortunately, mummy had a massage appointment and i have to cut short my supposedly vegetarian food gorging exploration...

Well, at least i managed to have fun with the baby brat. Family is really important, don't you think so?


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