
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Upper Peirce Reservoir Park [Near Devil's Bend]

In a country that is barely 48km by 25km, this little red dot has managed to squeeze in quite a number of nature areas for the benefit of its residents.

The most inaccessible area is Upper Peirce Reservoir Park.

Look closely at the map i took from See the little red star? That's merely the gates to the park.

Here's another map from the same source. Notice the new position of the star? THAT, my dear, is the park. 

It's going to be a blooody long walk!!! If not for the invention of motor vehicles (thank god!), i will had no choice but to torture my legs and thighs!

In hot and humid Singapore, most residents will prefer to stay away from the heat and immense themselves in the many shopping centres we have.

There are exceptions to this preference of course.

Apart from being nearer to nature (and that usually includes the mozzies), the drive (or walk) through a relatively quiet road can be unusually relaxing and calming for the stressful urban environment. 

In addition, the opportunity of seeing the thriving monkey population (at no costs) can be tempting for a lot of urbanites. These inquisitive monkeys can be seen scattered in groups of 5 or even 20 on the road itself so motorists, please beware!! 

Yes, i know the species is called Long-Tailed Macaques but most of us know them by monkeys.

So monkeys they shall be.

Upper Peirce Reservoir Park itself provides not much excitement except for the tranquility it offers.

In the past, we used to see people catching some kind of lobster-prawn thingy (palm size) from the rocks near the banks. However, we did not manage to catch any such activity this time.

With the gates (to the park) closing at 7.30pm, it's quite a surprise to know that the road right outside the gates is not as empty as we thought it will be at night. 

Daredevils roam this area (highlighted red above) when night falls, speeding along the winding road infamously known as the Devil's Bend (with a paranormal link). 

It can be quite thrilling but always remember; 

Don't Speed!!!!!

If you don't treasure your life (or that of your family, friends), it's your goddamn business.

Just don't harm the cute monkeys okay?

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