
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My deepest condolences to
the residents of Hong Kong

(Picture taken from the front page of The Straits Times on 24 August 2010)

As a person who always prefers to travel with tour agents, this incident in Manila is extremely shocking and sad.

It brings to picture the depressive feeling i had during the Mumbai siege back in 2008, where a Singaporean died innocently. 

No one can foresee the future and no one knows when our lives will end. My classmate from my polytechnic days aptly described what i have always advocated, in her blog;

"Since life is so unpredictable,
shouldn't we all just live for the moment?"

(as plagiarised from her blog)

Of course, we all know conditions are not always as accommodating for us to live for the moment.


We can always try.

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