
Monday, August 09, 2010

Fish Spa @ Kenko

Walking past this fish spa operation while on our way to Marina Square from Millenia Walk, the group of four was, for a moment, taken aback by the size of the fishes feasting on the feet submerged in the tanks!!

My feet had been pampered before by this group of fishes named aptly as doctor fish but the fishes that ate my crunchy dead skin then were way much smaller!

Knowing the ticklish torture these fishes can inflict on certain sensitive individuals, it was hence a surprise when the Kon couple agreed to try it out!!

At S$10 for 10 minutes, the place was comfortably big with a peaceful, relaxing environment that seems to wait for the squirmish screams that follow whenever a beginner (note: Kon and Van) steps in.  

With three areas segregated by the size of the doctor fish, the water was warm and provided a soothing respite for the long neglected feet and thighs.

Without knowing the above, we plunged our feet into the tank with the biggest of them all!!!

The initiation was obviously not easy with all of us lifting our feet out of the water in less than 30 seconds!!!

Regardless of the size, these water creatures must be famished!!!!!

We used to have this joke that the number of fishes that congregate on a person correlates with the smelliness level and hence condition (as in bad condition) of the feet and thighs.

I attracted the most fishes yesterday.

Evidence shows otherwise; Alex was the one!!!

Ms Tan is the only person who has a phobia of these fishes, terming them as piranhas! The best she did is to have (at most) her heels in water!!!

We came out with a theory that where Van is concerned, she can eat fish but the fish bloody hell cannot touch her! Hahaha.

By the time we got used (in fact, i was enjoying it) to the nibbling, the 10 minutes were up!

There is no doubt we are hooked to this alternative biological treatment and will most likely try it again!

For basic information on the benefits of fish spa, look above!


6 Raffles Boulevard 
[Marina Square]


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Hello, for fish spa. You can try here:, I find the prices more worth it compared to other places. Enjoy yourself!

  2. sure will! haha. i did try qian hu's fish spa (3 times) but kenko wins for the following reasons:
    1) Location. Kenko is located centrally!! and i can do my shopping plus makan together!
    2) Airconditioned. The weather nowadays is too hot!
    3) A more classy ambience.
    4) Much more fishes.
    BUT, at S$10 for 30 minutes?!?!?! I might consider disregarding the above reasons!
