
Monday, July 19, 2010

Singapore Garden Festival (2010) - Level 4 @ Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre

Part Two of the Singapore Garden Festival 2010, this level on the 4th floor is somewhat distinct from the 6th floor (to be viewed HERE).

It is much more diverse with highlights on the Singapore Orchid show, floral displays competitions, booths selling products and merchandise related to gardening and educational exhibitions for those keen learners!

Granted it may not be as alluring as the 6th floor, i did enjoy myself immensely with the varieties offered.

Pictures Slideshow!

The Taiwanese Orchid display! Seriously, i never liked orchids although a hybrid species is Singapore's very own national flower!

An orchid wall! One marvellous thing about orchid; it comes in many different colors!!

Something apart from orchids! Don't you love sunflowers?! They always have this chirpy sunniness surrounding them!

Everyone is talking about recycling and this is an example on what you can do with a used gallon sized mineral bottle!

In order to make Singapore more self-sustainable, AVA has improved the high rise farm system that can cut pesticide use and save much precious space.

I like this tabletop flower arrangement by a parent.

Looks like a dancing couple? No?

By an eleven year old kid!! I am thirty years old and i know nuts about flower arrangement!

Heck, a good car was sacrificed for the festival and adorned with plants and flowers! Don't they know how expensive cars are nowadays?!?!

Due to my upbringing, i have always found bonsai to have a calming effect on me.

Botak (or bald) bonsai are especially attractive. It seems to indicate the cruel harshness of life yet its steadfastness to survive in it.

This area is my personal favourite! Kids will love this for the educational lessons by the dedicated guides.

A real papaya tree was planted in the exhibition hall! And you can find banana trees, sugarcanes and even a coconut tree!

Pineapples! I used to think this comes from trees. To think about it, i used to think everything comes from trees! Haha. Even watermelons!

Delicious looking mushrooms!

Not everything has that positive, happy vibe! This one here is pretty morbid lor; looks like a funeral setting.

I am ending this cheerful post with a picture that looks plain scary!! Kids beware! 


Another three more days before the event ends!
Hurry Hurry!

For location and ticketing, please refer to my previous post HERE.


  1. Wow.....the picture of festival looks awesome. Wish If I could make it to the place and enjoy beautiful flowers.

  2. Ann: well, come to Singapore two years later! Unless the organisers decide to make it a yearly affair! :)
