
Monday, July 26, 2010

Heaven's Loft @ Orchard Central

The word "heaven" incites a lot of debate amongst the believers and the non-believers. And to think that someone in Singapore came up with a place called Heaven's Loft.

Perched high up the building we all knew as Orchard Central, it has an outdoor alfresco area that overlooks the world famous green shopping belt, Orchard Road.

And that's as good as it gets.

The dessert offerings we had came from Ben & Jerry but it was at most passable.

I might have enjoyed it much better at home, sitting on my couch, watching the Taiwanese tear-jerker, 爱, and scooping the luscious, rich ice cream from its colourful tub.

Service was really bad with slow, bo-chup service although you can see the staff chatting with one another when there were at most 3 to 4 occupied tables.

Nothing against casual talk since it is necessary to keep the sanity at times!

Wrong orders and slow refilling of water despite countless reminders are just not acceptable nowadays. And the shoving of the bill to us before telling us they were closing did not help as well!

To tell the truth, besides its name, Heaven's Loft is anything but heavenly. If not for the marvellous company i had, my visit would be really unbearable!


Managed by the Happy People, i guess the people are really happy. Not sure if i can say the same for its customers.

181 Orchard Road, #08-01,
Orchard Central.


  1. Hi Cavin, sorry to hear about your not-so-great experience at Heaven's Loft. Will feedback to the management there. Thanks for sharing your pix though!

  2. Thanks "orchard"!

    Let's hope that it will become better in time to come. I enjoy Ben and Jerry ice cream and i am definitely willing to give it a try, provided the service has improved... vastly.
