
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yuanjiajie Scenic Area (袁家界景区) @Zhangjiajie (张家界), Hunan, China

My last post for a trip made last October!

In order to get to this highly elevated area, deemed to be the most beautiful in the whole Zhangjiajie region, there is this outdoor elevator (Bai Long Scenic Elevator) that will bring us 335 meters up.

The scenery was amazing, offering a bird's eyes view of the surroundings that inspired Avatar the movie.

It was probably at this time that i felt a pang of regret; of not buying a DSLR earlier!!

After walking for around one hour though, we get kind of jaded. It's roughly the same rocky formations again and again, with only slight variation to the height, width and/or gradient.

The troops of tourist invading the viewing platforms and jostling for much desired photographic spots were also getting to our nerves.

If people ever say Singaporeans are very kiasu (afraid to lose), i presume they have never been to China!

Despite the above factors, one spot worth noting was the magnificent natural bridge! Yes, you can confidently walk and cross over to the other karst pillar!

As with most overseas destinations, certain myths are fabricated to generate much interest and of course, additional tourist dollars.

One such myth is the heavenly lock!
This is so cheesy, like the Merlion we have in Singapore.

Well, at least the tourists are really passionate about it!!

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