
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Barbeque (BBQ) @ Yishun Dam (aka Seletar Dam)

All the while, i knew that Yishun has a dam; helped by news articles that carried incidents of drowning.

However, no public transport is available and the lack of a driving license (back then) added to the inconvenience and inability to go.

Also known as Seletar dam, i knew the way to this place only when i started driving! All thanks to a convoy expedition my ex colleagues in Starhub organised!

It is a place void of any modern facilities (yes, no toilets) and visitors to this place usually comprise of a mix of anglers, joggers, families, congregation of motor vehicles (cars and motorcycles) and... lovers.

Heck, there are even people who go there for artsy shoots!! Was he imagining himself to be the most famous eunuch of all times; Zheng He? Hahaha.

For me, Yishun dam is a place where i can relax and enjoy with my friends over a self assembled, self cooked, self tidied up barbeque meal.

Last Friday was another such meal with Alex's sister and boyfriend.

Our portable BBQ pit!

Table set-up! Eco friendly with no disposable utensils and cutlery!

Our uncooked food!

A damn delicious chicken chop!!

Tiger prawns and steak!

By this time, i was too full for the chicken wings! And the wrong mushrooms were purchased! BBQ Shitake mushrooms are not as nice as portabello or white button mushrooms!!

A pretty bland tasting corn. Forgot to add the all important ingredient; salt!

BBQ marshmallows! Always buy the big ones! The small ones melted too fast without the slightly burnt sensation that would have made it all the more better!

The clean up!

Again, we bought too much food!!
Bloody Alex's fault!!!!!


With the aerospace hub slowly building up next door, i am worried for the future of Yishun Dam.

Would the authorities clamp down on this kind of non official BBQ activity? I hope not since this is one rare gem in super organised Singapore.


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