
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bakerzin @ Paragon, Singapore

From my memory, Bakerzin is very famous for their dessert offerings and Alex, in particular, loves the cakes!

Taking advantage of a 20% discount voucher, we (mum, elder sister and i) skipped desserts at Ootoya just to try the ones in Bakerzin.

Before we start the ball rolling, don't you just love this magazine style, pictorial menu?!

Dining at restaurants (especially tze char stalls) with no pictures on the menu is such a risky business! 

A dish with a bombastic sounding name (the goddess spread its gold etc) can turn out to be so ordinary (vegetables with eggs etc)!


Waffle with Ice Cream
The two thin slices of waffles were crispy but not piping hot.

I agree the recent weather in Singapore might be too warm but cold waffles leave a very bad aftertaste to an otherwise pretty good dessert.

Coupe Cheesecake
Frankly, i cannot taste any trace of cheesecake!

Appearance wise, it had very good visual appeal with more ingredients like raspberry! The cup biscuit was well liked by us and i personally liked the colorful strips for their twisties bite without the savouriness.

A mere S$1.60 more expensive than the waffles, i would prefer this anytime if given a choice!
Walnut Cheese
New recipe as proudly displayed at the cakes counter!

Loads of walnut bits with only a slight (shows pinkie finger) cheesy taste. As a slice of cake (cheesecake is placed in an exclusive category of its own), i thought this was delicious with the teeth biting on walnuts every single bite!

 The trouble was, the taste became a bit too earthy and overbearing after a while. My recommendation is to share it with a few people!

Ice Lychee Tea
This was shockingly good! The strong tea mixed with lychee made for a very refreshing drink! I must try making it myself in the future!!


Waffles Ice Cream - S$8.20
Coupe Cheesecake - S$9.80
Walnut Cheese - S$6.50
Ice Lychee Tea - S$5.80

Before 20% discount. Subject to 10% Service Charge and 7% GST

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