
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Puppy Mills (Singapore) - Circulation of SMS

Known also as puppy farms, this particular facility has been attracting a lot of news (albeit bad news) recently.

Supplementary to the two articles above, i received multiple messages (via emails, mobile and on facebook) that were something like the following.

"Puppy mill breeder/owner @Pasir Ris has abandoned his breeding stock &puppies. Many breeds of various ages. Cavalier king charles, chihuahua, maltese, mini schnauzer, shih tzu, pomeranian, jack russell terrier, whippet, sheltie, golden retriever, labrador, silky, yorkie, poodle, beagle, british bull, cairn terrier. Pls help these dogs by passing tis msg ard to as pple asap or go to Pasir Ris XXXX to hav a look for yrself(look for volunteer XXX).Pls help as these poor doggies hav only 2 weeks(fr 3/5/10) for a chance to live otherwise they'll be put to slp."

Contrary to the content of these messages, i got hold of another one that advises everyone not to go down to the farm! Instead, they are encouraged to make an appointment so as not to overwhelm the volunteers.

Please visit or you may add them on facebook via HERE.

According to the webpage, they are seriously in need of certain supplies that range from medical to transportation.  

Let's hope that the matter blows up and the government (namely Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore aka AVA) will finally do something about it!!! 

Not only towards the puppy mills, but also to the hundred odd pet shops in Singapore. 

My nine months stint in a pet food company taught me a lot about puppy mills (i had to handle them on an almost daily basis).

Though some of them take really great care of the dogs' health and environment, most have a nonchalant attitude, with continual breeding as the sole purpose.

To them, output is important.
The more puppies, the better.

You would have the bitches (female dogs) giving birth every few months with no rest whatsoever. Mothers can imagine how painful, how stress, how tiring it can be to have a new born child every 10 months.

And having your new born taken away at a mere 8 weeks old (okay, a bit of anthropomorphism here).

Fair enough, this is their main source of income and productivity, as always, is of topmost priority. Ironically, we eat eggs, beef, mutton, pork and we cannot claim that we are not guilty of contributing to this food production cycle.

Coming back to adoption, always remember that having a dog or any animal is a life-long commitment. Most likely, you will have to sacrifice your time to take care of him/her (feed, walk, clear the shit etc) and even your money for sudden medical emergencies.

Based on personal experiences, the whole family cannot go on a trip together because pet boarding companies are not entirely trustable and i ever spent S$1,200 (spread over 4 days) on an acute medical emergency for my rubee!

Think Responsibly, Act Responsibly.


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I've really enjoyed your blog- really written from the heart, and I read about Rubee, and was really sorry for you...then I read about Xioalun, your chinchilla. You're a real animal lover, Cavin, and I know your pets are now painfree in Rainbow Bridge.

    Actually I got into your blog, by accident, as I was looking for articles on Pontianaks (of all things!), and came across your post on a walk in Mt Pleasant.

    Then started reading a few other posts. You really write well, and I'll be following your blog regularly!

  2. Welcome! and thank you for your support!

    Rest assured, i am curious on paranormal stuff and frequently search for them as well. :P

    and yes, i believe my pets are enjoying each other's company in the other realm.

    Enjoy the weekend!
