
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Le Muria (Once Again) @ Nee Soon

busY buSY bUSY BUSY week and i needed some comfort food to soothe my badly neglected stomach. Which by the way, is in need to be neglected for some weight reduction i wish to have for a long long time.

I endeavoured to have the beef stew in my last post on Le Muria and it was the beef stew we ordered this time! Plus a plate of delicious Buffalo wings and a bowl of mushroom corn soup (unlimited servings)!

The focus today was of course on the beef stew, which came highly recommended by a fellow foodie in (app is also available in iTunes for your iPhone). 

Beef Stew
Firstly, the chunks of beef were too big and would be easier to eat if it's half or even one third its original size. However, the beef was not the highlight of this dish.

The broth was the rightful star!

It was so RICH with flavour! Now i fully understand why the beef tasted so ordinary! The Asian spices, tomato based broth had absorbed most of the beefy essence!  

I did not regret having Chapati instead of rice to accompany the stew. The light flavour of the pancake thin chappati contrasted greatly yet perfectly with the strong flavour of the stew.

This dish is best shared amongst a few people and i thought baguette (aka French loaf) will be a perfect dabber (curry chicken style) for the stew.


My next order for the next visit?
Burgers! Beware, Aaron!

Look for it HERE.

 Beef Stew - S$15.90
Only 5% Service Charge!

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