
Friday, December 25, 2009

A Simple Christmas Brunch (2009)

First and foremost, Merry Christmas 2009!!

Though i am not Christian, Christmas has always retained a special place in my heart. I remember the first time my mum brought me to Orchard Road with all its glitter and festive decorations. It was such an eye opener for me!

So what was my first meal for Christmas this year?

Sarpino's Pizzas

We ordered home delivery!
Sponsored by my dear sister (the older one of course)!

Mama Mia pizza with grilled chicken strips, garlic, spinach, cheese with turkey bacon.

The Villaggio pizza (non-meat) with olive oil, parmesan, garlic, tomatoes, onion, black olives, mushrooms, spinach leaves and cheese.

Truthfully, i prefer Pizza Hut's pizzas. There was a festive pizza from Pizza Hut that will make me drool whenever i think about it; The Chinese New Year pizza with strips of bak kwa and BBQ sauce!

Fruit Cake

This was a gift from my sister's friend, Jean Tan! The best thing? Not only was the cake simply beautiful, it was home made by Jean's niece.

Taste-wise, we all agreed it was really good! The cake was filled with loads of candied fruits but did not give the overly sweet sensation usually associated with fruit cakes.

Definitely a lighter BUT healthier version!

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