
Friday, November 13, 2009

T-Cafe @ Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

On one hand, with non-matching furniture and a decor that was messily unique on the second floor of a shophouse, T-cafe was nowhere near my fantasized imagination. On the other hand, it gave the impression of a very homely place with friendly staff members.

Famously known for its home-made scones, it was a good place to relax and had our tea break while waiting for our coach to Kuala Lumpur. There was even a book section for you to spend your time slowly.

The latter option was not applicable since we only had an hour!!! The time should be and MUST BE better utilised on eating the home specialties!!

Strawberry Fruity Scone

I didn't like this.

Though visually appealing, i cannot understand why people like this dry yet very filling british quickbread! Besides the sourish fruitty bits, the only other sensation i got was a damn solid bread taste (NORMAL).

Maybe i am just not cut out to eat scones; tried once long time ago and hated it then, for the exact same reason above!

Or maybe i should have ordered the cream scone first for a more normal and at least comparable taste.

Life is full of maybe(s).

Apple Pie with Ice Cream

To my surprise, i didn't like this too!!!

What's happening to me?!?!?!?!!? I remembered thinking then that Macdonald's Apple Pie was so much better!!!

Made with whole slices of apple(s) instead of the mashed up version, the least i expected was a pie that was too full of cinnamon!!

It was not sugar laden; good or bad depending on your preferences. My preferred standard of apple pie has always leaned to the more sweetened form.

The ice cream added made the devouring a bit more bearable.


Overall, i was not satisfied with the two dishes! With more time, i might have given a different review. Well, that will require another trip (hopefully not in the near future)!


Additional Information

First thing, T-Cafe will soon be known as Lord's Cafe!

T-cafe allowed internet surfing at RM0.50 for 10 minutes! For suckers like me who hate to pay for a full hour when i need just a few minutes to water my plants in Restaurant City and moving the baby animals from the Breeding Section, it was a blessing!

Opening Hours: 10am to 10pm. Closed on Sunday!

Steps leading to the cafe on second floor

Location: It's at Tanah Rata and next to the only Marrybrown fast-food in Cameron Highlands! It is also opposite the half-completed but operating "official" bus terminal in Cameron Highlands (i know it sounds weird but it's true). No map available since the details are rather fuzzy!  

The half completed yet operational bus terminal from T-cafe

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