
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Review - Ninja Assassin

The eyes that can shoot daggers, the almost impossible dexterity and the cool weaponry, to be a ninja has always been my preferred profession! But here am i, stuck in front of the computer (i am not complaining). Having butterfingers won't help much in realizing any potential anyway.

Back to this new movie, it did not disappoint in providing much bloody and gory scenes! Hello, assassins constituted the main plot, so don't expect big-eyed kittens or puppies with droppy ears! Personally, Rain's English has improved a lot since he entered the US market. And though the storyline was a bit loose, the action scenes were intensely toes-squirming!! 
For ladies, be prepared to ohh and ahh at Rain's almost perfect body. For gentlemen, be prepared to hit the gym after this show.
Rating: 3.50/5.00

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