
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bejeweled Blitz

Long Long time ago, i was super hooked on Bejeweled, a free online game offered by! I weaned myself out of it since i was not very good in the game and had wasted far too much time on it; could have used the time to explore food in Singapore instead!

Unfortunately, the addiction came back when launched an application called Bejeweled Blitz!

At a minute for one game, this app was really addictive since psychologically it gave an impression that the time spent will be much lesser than games which can last hours!

But it added a very competitive streak amongst the players!!!! When i managed to score a higher score than my friends, a notification will be sent immediately to those i overtake; the message was "neh neh neh neh, i win you! wahahahaha".

Some sort to that effect.

In the past, when i got this notification, i will log in and fight to increase my score! Since the score board was cleared every week, it became a daily affair to log in and play!

I used to score at most about 240,000 and pretty much thought it should be the best in my friends' list. It was, initially, until Karen kept pushing me down to No 2!!!

Number 2 was okay for me. I am fine with being number 2. Until one day, in the morning of a fresh new week, i saw Alex scored the following.

528,200!!! That's it!

I quit Bejeweled Blitz and concentrate on MyZoo and Restaurant City. 

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