
Monday, October 26, 2009

Xiamen Airlines (厦门航空)

I don't profess to be a frequent patron of airlines!

The few airlines i took in the past few years include Jetstar and Tiger Airways, all budget airlines. A non-budget airline i took was China Southern Airlines for my trip to Yunnan last year; a worse-than-budget one. The only consolation, the meal on board was free. The worst thing, it was not palatable.

In view of the above experiences, i was not too hopeful about my recent trip to Hunan since it will be another local China airline; Xiamen Airlines.

I dread to think about the 4 hours flight to Xiamen followed by a 2 hours transit and a 1.5 hours flight to Changsha; my butt is so going to crack by the time i reach! At least that was what i thought before embarking the small plane.

Luckily luckily luckily!

The in-flight meal was one of the better ones and the fruits were really fresh and sweet! Look at the vibrancy of the vegetables! I am hungry just looking at it!!

The stewardesses were really pretty and polite! Their smiles were so charming i wonder why i didn't grab any one of them back to Singapore! Oh, i remember i am a shy guy... definite.

Service was so good they even came out with an exercise video for passengers! Hm... Or was it because the seats were too small resulting in a possible higher risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)? I wonder.... Disregard the reasons, quite a number of people were actively following the movements! My mum inclusive!

The airline commentary came in English, Mandarin and........ HOKKIEN!! Yes, my dialect! It felt so weird yet so heart-warming!

The only grouch? The toilets were really busy!!! Although i attributed that to a fully-filled plane and to a lesser extent, a lot of people with a limited bladder!

Overall, i was very impressed with this airline and due to its name, i am planning for a trip to Xiamen!! Besides being voted as China's cleanest city, I heard Xiamen is filled with damn fabulous food!!!

Am i getting fat?

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