
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Savior in China!

Throughout my recent China trip, it's rare if i managed to find my dinner to be so fabulously good i gobbled everything. Hence, it was with great happiness that i found the above snack in one of the multiple convenience shops located near my hotel in Zhangjiajie!

Not to be confused with the Glico Collon biscuits commonly found in all most supermarkets in Singapore, i know it may look like a cheaper imitation (that China has and always been famous for) with a taste so horribly fakey i would probably just spit them out and crave for the not-so-nice but bearable dinner.

Suprisingly NO!

The biscuit roll encompassing the sweet, creamy white cream was crunchy (truthfully, it tasted exactly like Collon but with an extra crunchiness) and the best thing, i love the individual aluminium-foil pack each biscuit comes in!

Don't you always feel pressurize to eat the Collon biscuits EVERYTIME you open a bag?? I do and it's because of things like this that i never seem to decrease my weight. In addition, i will always feel jelak (a similar English word is surfeited) when i reached the last few pieces.

This product was named my savior because without them (i bought a few boxes), i might have starved to death.

Fine, i will not die but i would probably be angry. Why?

Because a hungry man is an angry man. wahhahahahaa. Okay not funny.

Anyway, here's another good reason why you should always try the local products when you travel overseas!

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