
Saturday, October 03, 2009

First Trip to China - Yunnan (云南), China (中国)

Before my memory fails me, I better get my butt hand typing on the best overseas trip I ever have.

Yunnan, China

I do apologise for this utmost late entry since it was some 18 months ago (my trip was in March 2008). But it was a long trip (8 days; long for my standard), so many photographs were taken (to be exact, 1413 pictures) and the magnitude of cultural differences/shocks was so great! I was at a serious loss of words to type and I had no idea where to start.

This overseas trip will definitely be spread over a few entries since there were just too much things! Although my initial stereotypical impression of China was one of a traditional, backward, scheming, dirty society, I was slapped left and right with the truth

The people were friendly, the streets were clean (rural areas may differ), the hotels were modern and most importantly, the food was really quite good! Not to mention the breathtaking scenery that China is famous for and the cool weather in Yunnan (at least for those places I travelled to)! The temperature was never more than 20 degrees when I was there.

The magnificent Stone Forest (石林), the deep Jiuxiang caves, the beautiful Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (玉龙雪山) with the old town in Lijiang, the snow capped mountains surrounding Shangri-La and the picturesque Dali fronted by Erhai lake in front and backed by a long line of Cangshan Mountains. I would love to settle down in Dali when I retired!

Stone Forest

Jiuxiang Caves

Old Town of Dali

 Foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

 Old Town of Lijiang

Another area in Old Town (Lijiang)

 The waterways in Old Town (Lijiang)

Facing the Erhai Lake (Dali)

The back of Dali; the magnificient Cangshan Mountains

In Shangri-La; one of the nature reserves

With over 25 minorities residing in Yunnan, you will be treated with the different cultures, customs and traditional dressing every time you travelled to a new county; the 5 different ways of burials by Tibetans in Shangri-La, the three cups of tea ceremony by the Bai tribe in Dali, the matriarchal culture of the Naxi tribe in Lijiang and many, many more.

Numerous cultural villages are also available to further your knowledge of the various minorities. And you may consider a relaxed stroll down the old streets of Dali and Lijiang, where you absorb the rich history of the area.

One of the cultural villages in Lijiang

A typical Tibetan dwelling

Contrary to popular perceptions, the food was not THAT oily and I did have meat and fish every meal! As with Chinese custom, two bottles of beer are provided for each table every lunch and dinner! I have never been a beer drinker but in the cold weather (at one time, zero degree Celsius), they were really warming to the body!

With overseas trips, a piece of boring but nonetheless good advice is to maintain an open mindset and embrace the culture of the host country. And with that mentality, I learnt a lot, I ate a lot, I enjoyed a lot over the span of 8 days.

It was a definitely a fruitful trip, affirmative.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    i've seen online that lotsa pple retire/ moved to lijiang n dali..

    i rem a tv once featured a couple who set up a "Min Su" hostel there for pple of their native country :)

    ~Michelle Sam

  2. maybe i should do that too!! wana sponsor? hahaha.
