
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boring Sentosa? Sentosa Flowers (春节花会), Luge & Skyride

Another almost-forgotten post; drafted since Chinese New Year (CNY) 2009!!

From my distant memory, Sentosa was always an expensive expedition for my family; it was easily a few hundred dollars for the whole family to spend a day in Sentosa back in the 1980s. For most of us borned in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Sentosa has gone a long way for the past 20 odd years.

An old picture of Fantasy Island; taken from 

Gone was the old ferry terminal, the water fountain, the BOAT that housed A&W (it means Allen & Wright if you wonder what the abbreviation means) and of course, my favourite yet money losing Fantasy Island! Nowadays, you don't need a ferry to bring you to Sentosa. You can walk there, you can drive there, you can even take a light rail (Sentosa Express)! 

This time, i was in Sentosa for the aptly named "Sentosa Flowers" exhibition.

Especially beautiful were the Rainbow made with flowers, the swans made with, what else but, flowers and the flower balls along the walkway from the side of Merlion to the entrance of"Sentosa Flowers".

Personally, i prefer the flowers from Kunming (capital of Yunnan, China); there were tulips and even opium flowers! Not to mention the permanent constant cool temperature of 15-20 degrees celcius. I miss Yunnan!!

Tulips in Kunming, Yunnan

Fine, I digress.

Beside this annual flowers exhibit, we chanced upon the LUGE ride which was heavily promoted as "FUN" by my friend Alex. Unknown to me, there was also a Skyride. Since it was CNY and it was rare to find ourselves in Sentosa (too touristy lah), we thought "why not!!" and paid for a package!


As with most exciting attractions, it ended pretty fast.. =( After this heart thumping activity, it's time to relax on the Skyride! 

On it, I can see the latest development in Sentosa; the towering skytower, the numerous construction (the new resort world!) and a kelong like structure near Siloso beach! And on it, i felt that time really flies. I was a kid then, playing on the structures-free beach with my cousins and eating the beehoon my mum prepared.

How will i feel another 20 years down the road?

Enough being EMO!!

We were so fasinated with the NEW Sentosa, we promise to be back for the Songs of the Sea and the new Resort World!

Shall update again!

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