
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Color Checking - What Colour Animals Are You?

I love personality tests! Besides the fact that they are usually quite interesting, most of them (facebook sucks in those tests) allow you to measure yourself against the results, regardless how true it really uis.

The above mentioned link (click the heading.... =_=!!!) was sent to me by one of my colleagues and it was the first time animals were being used! Not just any animal but one with different colors. Heard of pink panther, black panther? what about blue one? green one?

My analysis as follows:

A zoomed in translation!
  • Brown panthers personality is very cheerful, and free from care (true).
  • Such character attracts people and helps to build up network of connections (what do you think?).
  • Brown Panthers have very pure heart, and dislike anything crooked (i have always know im pure hearted and angelic).
  • You devote to others full heartedly and faithfully (i agree).
  • You are very independent and at the same time a hard worker (i believe im).
  • Because of this personality, other people naturally see you as a leader (eh... i have my doubts on this).
  • Money wise, and in personal relations, you have good fortunes (relationship i think im, but money.... i need more).
  • You are weak in sales and bargaining (sniff... tats why i quit my previous job..).
  • You tend to lack to see insight, but smartness is Brown Panthers belief, so you can negotiate in your own pace, and can lead the others to come along (eh....).
  • You are strong willed person with pride, and do not like to loose (im. period).
  • You get interested in many things and tend to challenge new things (tats why i get bored so easily!).
  • But you lack the last step forward, and therefore need more modest effort making (i do?).
  • You have a personality of a daydreamer (i love to enjoy life).
  • When this fantasy leads to real project, it can end up in development of extremely unique item that may sell millions (really?).
  • You are suited to idea creating occupations such as in advertisement (well... i enjoy microsoft publisher).
  • However, you are not too good at balancing out the money and the work, so you need to be careful on that (i eat a lot and i know where the money goes to).
I think it is 85% true!! But im gonna have my reservations on the development of an extremely unique product that will bring in millions!

Go and determine for yourself!

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