
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Chin Swee Caves Temple @ Genting Highland, Malaysia

I have been planning to blog this for ages but i have been busy with my work. Though busy, its satisfying. Hahaha. Anyway, talking about chin swee temple, how many of you actually know the existence of this marvelous place? A note; it does not refer to one of our founders, Mr Goh Chin Swee hor.

Maybe i should just ask another question, how many of you actually know genting highlands? *can imagine a lot of hands being raised up* And how many of you have ever gone to genting highlands for their scenary, weather, theme park and most importantly their casinos? *can also imagine a lot of hands being raised up*

This Chin Swee Temple is at the half hill of Genting Highland and i bet alot of you will have notice the all surrouding majestic pagoda when you are in the midst of travelling up to curb your gambling vices. AHhhhhhhhhhh, i can hear the agreement from most of you. Hahaha.

I was up in Genting during the National Day holidays with two old people, my mum and dad. And with one being a devout buddhist and potential nagger, my mum and i decided to roam around Genting for its scenary. Plainly scenary due to the facts that i cannot expect my parents to have the guts to take the roller coaster with me and also becoz a few friends told me the weather had changed and they were then sweating in the highlands. ITS FREEEEZING BLOODY COLD@!!! I was amazed my mum managed to escape unscathed.

Due the above mentioned with particular mention to my highlands-loving dad, i decided to bring them to the Chin Swee Temple. And boy was i glad i made the trip, it was like the highlight of the whole trip!

A little history about the temple. It was built by the founder of genting highlands and it is supposedly to honour a Reverend Chin Swee from China. Rumours abound however that he needed to appease the Mountain God (yes, in Malaysia too) and also to ensure that devotees who pray there will not win at casinos (i won though, RM20 hahaha).

From afar at the Skyway Cable terminal, i noticed the pagoda and the temples. I mean yes, the pagoda is tall but how different can the different style of temples be? I can vividly visualise a typical temple. But once you reached the real place, you will be amazed by the amount of scenary spots offered.

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