
Monday, May 28, 2007

Donut Factory - The Factory With A Long Queue

Just mention Donut Factory and i guess everyone will think of two things. One, how delicious it is, especially its double chocolate and two, how long the queue is. And boy, both are equally contraditing, one a pull factor (away from buying), the other a push factor. 

I have eaten it twice and i love it!! Since im happily jobless and full of time, i decided to join this queueing crusade and spend my time reading this newly acquired book called Ugly by Constance Briscoe.

I reached at 11.30 even though the shop opened at 12.30pm. I tot i was smart but apparently, im "outsmart-ed" by the 50+ people queueing in front of me!!! 50+!!! Nevermind, with a maximum of 2 dozens donuts that can be bought by a person, it should not be tat long, i tot.

Sighz..... Im ignorant again. Becoz all the donuts are bloody made on the spot!!! Guess how long i waited? FREAKING 3 and a half hours!!! GOSH!!!! Luckily i finished half of the book and the only complain i had was that i had to stand so long!

The Queue When i Reached

After almost 3 Hours of Wait, The "Light" was FINALLY Clear

The Triumphant Moment

Once i reached home, after going to the nearby library to borrow comic books (For Better or For Worse), i happily placed the two boxes of donuts on the table. The next thing i know, ants were swarming my precious!!! Luckily all saved!

The Rescued Donuts without the Ants!

I tried one donut (since i had diarrhea these few days) called Double Chocolate. ITS FABULOUS!! With the thin layer of white chocolate spread onto a chocolate filled donut, it gave my sensitive teeth a slight jolt when the chocolate smeared itself all over the place.

One Word

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