
Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Food Fulfiling Evening

Gosh, it has been so so long........ Last time not working too busy, now working also too busy to update this damn blog of mine. Well, will talk about work next time. Will love to concentrate on the badly neglected food section. Lol.

Anyway, today was a great achievement for me because i tried two different eateries!! One French, one Chinese with Van and Kon, the perpetually two food connoisseurs (one of whom is sill attempting to be) always food scouting with me. I think food is really our leisure. The amazing thing isthat beside for Kon, Van and I know perfectly nothing about the cooking part (van is good with instant noodles, im just hopeless with it, even fried eggs).

French Stall
(as the name obviously suggests, it serves French cuisine)

Used to have a few branches but it is down to the original flagship near Little India. I tried the food around 5 years ago and though general impression about the food then wasnot bad, quite unique, i din go back again. This time, we ordered a set (soup, main and dessert) and a starter. Yes, for the 3 of us!!! In any case, the soup was not worth mentioning because it tasted normal. Give me Jack's Place lobster soup anytime!!

1. Main Course (Pork Chop)
After trying the Buckaroo Pork Chop, i have persistently seeked tasty pork chops around Singapore, which to my disappointment, has not been much of a success. Likewise, the pork chop in French stall provided a normal taste, though it was remedied a bit by the sourish, orangy sauce that covered it. The big white thing being lied on was the potato which wasbeing presented like a pastry and astonishingly tasted wonderful, with chunks of potatos dropping out as you cut into the pastry.

Rating: 7/10
Extra credit Due to the Potato Pastry

2. Dessert (Chocolate Souffle)
This one i dun fancy though both Kon and Van love it!! I cannot understand why people love bitter chocolate! Chocolate must be SWEET, CREAMY AND THICK to be nice!! Although the initial soft, spongy head did increased my anticipation of a fabulously, great dessert, it was disappointingly tasteless for my standard. To give it a fairer judgment, the others like it! *shrugs*

Rating: 5/10
Sighz, i love sweet, creamy, thick chocolate!

3. Starter (Foie Gras)
Starter should be commented in front as the name vaguely suggests. I know but this was the best dish of the lot! I know most of you and us including, has or had not tasted this apparently weird, cruel delicacy that is applauded and similarly condemned by most. I never love liver (it has this sandy, yucky, bloody feeling and taste). BUT, the foie gras is different!!

Cooked with a slight crisp at the surface with black pepper and a sweet, sour sauce, it tasted just sensational! For all who tasted suckling pig, it was almost like that but more tender. However with the sauce, it provided a bombarding attack on your taste buds as you chewed, leaving a lingering mix of sweetness and vinegary after you swallowed it!

Rating : 10/10
Luckily it is called Foie Gras at the menu, not Goose Liver.

Westlake Restaurant
(It is Ironically Located nowhere near a Lake)

For those familiar with the name Westlake, it is the same one located in Chinatown and the one that is always at food fair, offering their ever famous Kong Ba Pau (literally Pork Meat Bun). I saw this restaurant (at farrer road) being recommended on Channel U and even though i was  full then, i cannot help watering at the dishes being introduced! I knew i must try it!!!
1. Kong Ba Pau
Wats the point of coming if we din try their signature dish! However people, pls pls pls! Come down and eat it!!! The feeling was different and the taste was better than what was already fabulous when u bought from the Westlake booths in food fairs! The reasons being that a minimum 5 buns must be purchased and they came separately (buns one side, sauce another)! And that means you have alot more thick, tasty black sauce to go with the tender 4 level (fat, meat, fat, meat) slice of meat!! You can also try without the bun! It tasted just offendingly marvellous!! Although it can be abit too Je-la after a while. Hahaha.

Rating: 10/10
My favourite. Nothing can beats it!

2. Xiaolongbao
The appearance looked a bit sad, patched, dried without a sense of "life" in it. Although the inside tastedbetter than what it looked (with vegetables added), it was only on par to the one i had at You Tiao King and not comparable to the all time favourite at Crystal Jade.
Rating: 6/10
Miss Crystal Jade!

3. Beancurd Combo
This dish was not easy to describe but i admitted that it was unique and really adhered to the multiple taste buds popping out of our muscular tongue. On one side was a big piece of fried beancurd coated with a spicy sauce that was laced with numerous crunchy stuff (i only know how to eat) and the other beancurd was cut into six pieces, each one fried to a deep crisp with sesame seeds and then covered with  sweet and sour sauce. Recommended to take it hot because it tasted really shiok!!!
Align CenterRating : 9/1o

I love both of the beancurds and it really brings an almost light tasted product into a another dimension!

Total Expenditure was around S$41 for French Stall and S$34 for Westlake.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Haha... it is a wonderful food outing! Always nv get to try before those very unique dishes but i managed to taste it YESTERDAY! thankz you two bros!
