
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Indonesian Food at its Best!

Memories brought me back to the time when i went for a dental mission trip to Bintan. I stayed there for 4 nights and every single night, i will be devouring a plate of Indo Mee Special and a glass of Avocado Juice.

This time in Batam, while loitering with Weeyuan at one of the malls in Batam (pity Vanessa, Lock and Alex who went for massaging), we chanced upon this open concept restaurant and decided to give it a try. Though i was disappointed not to find a Indo Mee in the menu, im somewhat pacified when i glanced upon the item "Avocado Juice"!

Mee Goreng
This dish looked suspiciously like Indo Mee, unlike the commonly Singaporean known Mee Goreng with its dark, red look. When i tasted it, i was astonished to realise it had the exact taste of the greatly missed Indo Mee!!

The balanced taste of sweetness, saltiness even made sleepy Weeyuan perked up! I slowly relished the dish, each bite having the memory of nostalgia. For those who dunno, IndoMee is not commonly eaten by the rich as it is considered a poor food.

Price: 10,000 Rupiah / Less than S$2
Rating : 10/10 obviously

Dun ask me the meaning of this name. It looked like an omelette and when i tasted it, it was an omlette!! Which was nothing special of course, though it had some pieces of fish-cake-like-dough tat tasted obviously disappointing.

However, the main actor was not the omelette but its sauce, which came in a vinegar bottle!! This sauce smelt like vinegar, looked like soy sauce but had an unexpected sweet and chill-hot sensation! With it, the flavour of the Omelette was grealtly enhanced!

Price : 11,000 Rupiah / Around S$2
Rating : 7/10, becoz of its fish cake like dough and some salty stuff in the middle.

Avocado Juice
I first tried this during my mission trip and when i came back to Singapore, i can never find one of the same taste and look! When i saw it this time, it had the same mixture of green and a brown syrup. But i was somewhat disappointed when i can still taste a slight dash of the raw Avocado but when i drunk further, the nostagia old taste of Bintan came back!

Price: 9,000 Rupiah
Rating : 8/10

Es Teler Juice
This looked weird but Weeyuan assured me its nice. It had the look of a bloody mary with loads of colorful rubbish underneath it. Lol. It tasted quite mixed, with bandung dominating the taste. I wun say i dislike it but i guess i prefer my Avocado! Hehe

Rating : 9,000 Rupiah
Rating: 7/10


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