
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chatuchak Weekend Market @ Bangkok, Thailand

Every visitor to Bangkok will have heard of this world-famous market. Whack yourself (hard) on the head if you have ever been to Bangkok and yet have never stepped into this amazing shopping arena!

Seriously, Chatuchak (or Jatujak) Market is the highlight for any Bangkok trip!!! Most of us plan our holiday over the weekend just so that we can visit this humongous bazaar!

My feeling for this market is mixed; on one hand, i love Chatuchak because it's so large and allows me to roam through the thousands of stalls that sell a wide variety of almost everything at a fraction of the price back in Singapore. At times, there might even be budding entrepreneurs selling stuff not found anywhere else except Jatujak!

On the other hand, i hate Jatujak, as a confirmed trip there will guarantee a big hole in my pocket!! The daunting size of the market also means that i am likely to spend a day there and the tortuous result is nonetheless the absolute soreness of my legs!

Pictures pictures pictures!

Childishly colourful carrier bags at only 20 baht a piece (that's less than a Singapore dollar)!

Every now and then, an unlikely food stall will appear in the middle of nowhere. Not that i am complaining because it can be damn tiring and having something to bite is always welcome for Cavin!

Large sheets of colour papers used as wrappers for gifts!

Prefer wrappers with patterns? The whole shop was filled with piles and piles of them and you can have your pick!! Provided you don't see stars after 15 minutes.

Souvenirs for your family, friends and colleagues back home? These were really popular when i first stepped in to Chatuchak in 2007.

Retro tableware with the signature chicken that used to be so common in Singapore! Unless you are importing thousands of them, the fragility of these items makes it really torturing for individuals like me to bring it back to Singapore.

Dried cuttlefish that you can smell from a few shops away! Do you know that these cuttlefish are very delicious when you BBQ them??

Gaudy designs that were the rage ten to twenty years ago! My sister has a pair of shorts with similar design that stink my eyes whenever i see her wearing them.

Cute door labellers! I am gonna get this once i have my own house. Eh... That's provided i can still find the shop! Change is constant in Chatuchak and it can be difficult to remember the exact location of a shop!! Get a namecard if you know there will be a revisit! The section and unit number are prominently displayed (in bright yellow) outside each shop!

Food again? Hey, i may love food but there's only so much my stomach can hold!

This picture is a continuation from the one before. Have you guessed correctly? They are actually candles!

No idea what are the uses for these. However i thought they looked very pretty!

Loads of windchimes hanging from the ceiling! Mysterious instrument that could be so soothing in the daytime yet so scary at night.

The lanes can get really crowded! Keep your cool and just wait a while. People will eventually move! If you are impatient like me, walk into any of the shops beside you; something interesting might just catch your attention long enough.

Thousands of cups of various sizes, patterns, designs! There was even a mug that was way bigger than what i have in the office!

Tiny paper flower buds for your scrapbook. Scrapbook lovers will most likely spend hours in the shop! Thank god i have no interest in this time-consuming hobby!

Paintings that will brighten up any dull and ugly walls. I should have bought some for my office! Not that my luggage can afford the additional weight though.

Rows of bangles! Again, i am thanking god that i am male.

Antique-looking fans i will never bring back to Singapore! The current trend is danger-free bladeless fans (you can find them in Courts)!

Can never get enough of salted fish? Get this big one from Chatuchak!

Silver jewellery that only cost less than S$2.00 a piece. The best deal? Buy five pieces and you get one free. Too good to be true! Must be silver plated lah (i think)!

Need a clean helmet to replace that musty, smelly one you have back home! A big question mark on whether it is LTA approved or not.

What do you call these? Miniatures? Since young, i have a special affection for these stuff; small yet realistic! This interest could be due to the book "Gulliver's Travel".

Something as basic as a wooden spatula can be found in Chatuchak market! You won't believe it but my mom bought two of them for the kitchen! Sighz....

A shop full of scented candles! Aromatherapy has a very strong following in Thailand and you can find an extensive range of high quality products catering to this market.

Heard that growling stomach? Time to buy some snacks!

As it reaches the end of the day, you will see some shop owners dragging their wares onto the main street and selling them at a discounted price!

Beautifully crafted glass pens! Using it the traditional way by dipping the glass tip into a bottle of ink, i bought one plainly because of its unique design. My handwriting sucks big time.

Bags that looked like bulky radios! Fortunately, they are not suitable for my age.

The evening crowd that was still as enthusiastic in their shopping! Well, the main purpose of this picture is to inform all smokers that lighting up a ciggie in the area will attract a fine of 2,000 baht (look at banner)!

Sexy attire made entirely from seashells! Who will wear this? Your guess is as good as mine. :)

Lampshade from the pre-80s; it seems that anything before the 80s have a certain vibe to it!

A tired body is guaranteed after all the walking, looking, haggling! It's time for a traditional Thai massage in full view for everybody!

At the end of the day, it's not uncommon to see this view.


I have hundreds of photographs taken in Chatuchak and only a small portion is published today! Another post on the pets section will be published soon!

Additional Information
Map of Chatuchak (Jatujak) Weekend Market
Getting to Chatuchak weekend market is very easy with public transportation. It’s within walking distance from Mo Chit station (BTS Skytrain) and Chatuchak Park MRT station.

What is considered a good time to visit Chatuchak? For me, it’s Saturday around 11.00 am.


  1. how much is the souvenir key chains and the stereo-looking bags?

  2. hi nylanor

    it's not easy to comment on the price as the trend changes so fast and everything is subject to bargaining!

    And as usual, the more you buy, the lesser for each piece. And one shop price can differs by 50% and thats before discount.

    Just go and roam around; every trip is a different trip!

  3. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Hi, Ohh do you remember in what section/soi´you found the stall with paper flowers? Scrapbooking is my everything - I will go crazy in there!

    /regards from Sweden

  4. Hi!

    To tell you the truth, i don't really remember the specific section although it is somewhere in the middle of the map (the sections surrounding the clock tower).

    Note that there are quite a few shops selling such items in that area so it should be quite easy to find them! :P

    Enjoy yourself!!!

    p.s. i am already missing chatuchak!

  5. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Hi Cavin,
    Thank you so much for the information and for sharing these lovely pictures. Need to save plenty of room in our suitcases, that's for sure and shop until I drop!

    Br Inga from Sweden

  6. Hi Inga,

    no problem; glad you enjoy this post!

    Remember to bring some foldable sports bags in case you need more room for your shopping!


  7. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hi Cavin,

    I was wondering if you knew the general section /name(if there is one) of the shop that sold glass pens? Thank you!

    1. Hello! That's quite a while ago and in my past few visits, i didn't find the stall. i saw the pens in hokkaido though; at this place called otaru. You may refer to
